Spark a Mindset of Thriving and Care

We are all leaders, every one of us. We all lead every day, at home, at work, we lead ourselves and others. We can inspire greater possibilities and remove barriers for others to succeed and thrive.

The Natural Strategist


Cultivating a Mindset of Care and Connection

What does it mean to be an impactful leader? How can we create the right context and conditions for people and organizations to thrive? Inspired by business and nature, this book embarks on a journey to show how we can lead with intention and foster flourishing in a world where everything is connected.


A Holistic Path Forward

I guide for growth. I foster flourishing. A shift in mindset can inspire and reveal new possibilities and better outcomes. 

Are you looking for a fresh take or want to accelerate results? As your partner, I can help you gain a refreshed perspective and create a roadmap for the positive impact you want to create. 

Leadership and business coaching is my specialty. Together we can activate your strategy in a natural way.

A leader’s mindset is like the root system of a tree. While we might not be able to see it, it gives structure, stability, and strength to a leader’s actions.

  • Your ability to see parallels between seemingly disparate issues is outstanding. You have a gift for seeing the potential in people and helping them to thrive.


    Writer and former educator

  • Some of the best advice I have ever received. Stefan's mentoring and coaching style is highly effective and eye-opening. I am grateful for the organic and real-time advice. Stefan has truly made a difference in my personal and professional growth.


    Director Logistics, Beauty Industry